首页 > 言情小说 > 快穿系统:反派总对我奶唧唧 > 第170章 惩罚世界:魔族圣女VS清冷禁欲小仙 君 025

第170章 惩罚世界:魔族圣女VS清冷禁欲小仙 君 025(第2/3 页)

最新言情小说小说: 替生游戏七零,炮灰女配虐完渣爹继母下乡快穿:社恐宿主她不干了八零:带飞父母后,我躺平了镜中分身能修炼,我已超凡入圣了快穿:饲养我的反派全洗白了御姐师父带我赛博抓鬼女子不为官?那我做首富总行了吧穿越兽世!凭借生崽崽打造一个国度!小狐狸野又撩,在暴君怀里撒个娇不是重逢是蓄谋已久我是顶流大主播农女修仙,大佬带飞大爻谜案录刚上大学,我家多了个姐姐!百分百命中:我跪求神明不要死!权臣别太爱,公主一心夺江山本魔是神,多几个马甲怎么了惊爆,病娇前任竟是顶流影帝!权势巅峰:从家破人亡到国士大佬

orld\u0027s various

I can be seen in every corner. This world, I don\u0027t

I know if it\u0027s a bit cold, but I\u0027m willing to use my meager self

The power of giving warmth to every friend who feels cold

Warm, a ray of light.

7. Some people will always be engraved in their memories, even if

Forget his voice, forget his smile, forget

His face, but the feeling every time I think of him, is

It will never change.

8. Complaints are the greatest offering from heaven to humanity, and

It is the most sincere part of human prayer.

9. Trust is a precious savings in life.

This savings is a goodwill country invested in you when rumors spread

Light is a steadfast panion for you on the way forward, and it is the encounter

Full support in times of difficulty is when subjected to slander

A heart lamp to drive away pain.

10. Sincerity is a good wine, the longer the year




